HTML Tags Puzzle

Instructions: Welcome to the HTML Tags Puzzle!!

In this challenge, you will need to fill in the blanks with the appropiate HTML tags based either on the context or on the information provided.

Once you're finished, click on "Submit Answer", and you should know what the outcome was. Send a screenshot on your Team's Breakout Chat with the correct answers.

Good luck!


    This is the name that appears on the page!


      /* I want to apply this style on the table's rows and column names */

      , {

        border: 1px solid #dddddd;

        text-align: left;

        padding: 8px;





      src="" style="height: auto; width: 20%;">

      This is the biggest basic title!

      This is the smallest basic title!

      Here I am writing a paragraph of information that will be displayed on the website!

      <!-- I want to add a line break between the paragraph and the table, and then a black line -->





          This is the title of the first column of the table



          This is the value of the first field of the table




        type="text" value="Insert text here...">


          <option value="canada">Canada</option>

          <option value="costa rica">Costa Rica</option>

          <option value="japan">Japan</option>



        <input type="" value="Submit the form!!">



    <div class="container">

      <p class="float-end mb-1">

        <a href="#">Back to top</a>


      <p class="mb-1">Atos ® - Cloud Enterprise Solutions</p>

      <p class="mb-1">Cross Cloud Functional Services - CodeWars</p>

